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The Bravo™ reflux testing system is an innovative solution that allows physicians to evaluate the frequency and duration of acid reflux in order to better understand patients’ symptoms. With up to a 96-hour monitoring period, the Bravo™ reflux testing system increases the likelihood of detecting reflux events with improved symptom association determination.

  • Regional Director
    Our regional director (usually an MD) ensures the accuracy of the medical language and cross-cultural adaptation throughout the project. The regional director reviews the text, determines which medical idioms should be used in the translation and addresses relevant issues.
  • Project Manager
    Our project managers mobilize the medical translation team according to the regional director’s guidelines and project requirements. They also maintain ongoing communication with the client to ensure the final product is delivered on time and within budget.
  • Medical Translators
    We meticulously scrutinize our medical translators and editors based on their linguistic, medical and technical skills. Why? Because medical translators are hard to find, and we want to employ the best. We require our translation team to meet the minimum criteria: Medical and scientific degrees such as MD, PhD and BMedSc. Extensive linguistic experience and excellent scores on our quality assurance test. Native speakers of the target language with absolute command of the source language. In-country residency, when relevant. Knowledge of the specific document requirements, templates and guidelines.
  • Editors
    Our editors examine the translated document’s quality and localization, and resolves style and terminology issues. Editors also make sure the translation is coherent and meets requirements.
  • Proofreaders
    Our linguistic proofreaders check for spelling, punctuation, grammar and syntax, capitalization, abbreviations, quotation marks and spacing.
Find Out More About Bravo PH Monitoring

Expert clinicians at NYC Gastroenterology and Nutrition perform experienced ligation technique to get the best results for Bravo ph Monitoring. Contact us if you think you need any related help.

What Patients are saying:

Dr. Oliner is very thorough and seems genuinely interested in helping me with my health issues. Upon meeting him, I was immediately put at ease by his friendliness and ability to truly listen to what I had to say. I have had 3 appointments with him so far and, unlike many doctors, I do not dread going in to see him

Michael H.

Dr. Charles Oliner, MD - NYC Gastroenterologist

Address: 247 3rd Avenue, Suite 201, New York, NY 10010
Phone: 646-957-2989  |  Fax: 212-228-2142




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